I coach those looking to authentically know and love themselves through spiritually formative practices, life-giving assessments and accountable partnership. My ideal clients are faith-filled women who want to lead fruitful (not busy), passionate and purposeful lives.
Interrupt Autopilot Living
Autopilot is a tool that is used and supervised by the pilot on an airplane. Although it may seem like this tool does the flying, the pilot flies the plane through the automation of the autopilot. Autopilot has no brain of its own and operates based on someone else’s preferences and controlling tendencies.
A life on autopilot is one that has no real intentionality or focus. Life is filled with just going through the motions. And yet, Jesus died that we might have life and that so more abundantly (John 10:10).
Tell-tale signs of autopilot living:
- Each day looks just like the day before. No true adventure to be had. No real fervor or passion felt in the activities you participate in. Just checking off daily to-do’s.
- Time for yourself seems fruitless. Remaining distracted is necessary to keep reflection at bay. To tap into your inner world and innermost desires is just too uncomfortable and there might be some grief there you prefer to ignore.
- Boundaries are greatly lacking in your life. Saying yes seems easier and keeps you busy, but not fruitful. Top that with frustration for overextending and wearing yourself thin.
- Incessant, internal fatigue that sleep alone won’t fix.
- You sense there is more in you but it seems impossible to tap into and vaguely unrealistic.
My Spirituality is Broken
The ways you used to connect, commune and hear from God don’t seem to impact you the way they used to. It’s like everything has dried up. Your love for God has not changed but something surely has.
Symptoms include:
- Who I am in God seems to have shifted and I have lost my sense of direction – God is silent.
- Emotional numbness and/or emotional overwhelm come in waves and I find I have very little to offer others, nor do I care to.
- Important relationships in my life are not getting my best – I prefer to avoid folks and instead engage in mindless activities to pass the time.
- I have zero desire to pray, study the Bible or participate in any spiritual discipline. I just don’t get much from it anymore.
Let Me Introduce Myself...
Being diagnosed with depression and complex post-traumatic stress disorder from the insidious effects of unresolved trauma and type 1 diabetes has taught me the importance of healing and overcoming. Therapy, coaching and spiritual direction continue to change my life. I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I believe in cultivating an authentic relationship with Jesus.
As an ordained minister and Board-Certified Coach, I want to help others cultivate a rhythm of life that is rooted from a soul that is rested and whole. Through informed spiritual practices and one-of-a-kind coaching, my clients thrive within a life where they love themselves RIGHT, love God MOST and love others HEALTHY!
Serving You
Exploring the inner life and dealing with inner emptiness is at the heart of all I do. Our internal world is just as real as the outer world. When we don’t take the time to cultivate a healthy internal world, we do an unconscious violence to ourselves – snuffing out the peace, authenticity and joy we were created to enjoy in the here and now. The true work needed for transformation is an inside job.
In my published book, I share candidly the internal work I had to do to overcome some of my own real-life struggles that were rooted in a false self and a refusal to do the internal work so desperately needed.
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